饮迷酒吧行业颁奖盛典西区获奖名单揭晓 West Regional Winners Announced
勒是雾都!在两江交汇之处的重庆来福士洲际酒店,2022饮迷酒吧行业西区颁奖盛典迎来了众多业内好友,共同庆贺西区酒吧行业在过去一年取得的成就,并为15项西区大奖的获得者献上掌声与欢呼。Chongqing, you're amazing! Together with industry folks from the west, we cheered for the local bar industry's accomplishments in the past year at the West Regional DRiNK Awards 2022, which took place at InterContinental Chongqing Raffles City earlier today. Regional winners announced, toast made and love shared...
For those who missed the live stream, here is the list of winners. Congratulations to all - we'll see you at the national DRiNK Awards in December!
以上这些获奖者将代表西区角逐全国大奖,而最终结果将于12月在上海的全国颁奖盛典上揭晓。扫描二维码,获取盛典当晚的现场照片。Now, the above winners are in the race for the much covted national awards on behalf of the west region and the results will be revealed in Shanghai in December. Scan the QR code below for more photos at the awards ceremony and after party.
2022饮迷酒吧行业南区颁奖盛典The South Regional DRiNK Awards 2022
日期 / Date 11月7日周一 Monday, November 7
场地 / Venue 深圳文华东方酒店 Mandarin Oriental, Shenzhen活动流程 Schedule
16:00 欢迎酒会 Cocktail reception18:00 颁奖盛典 Ceremony begins21:00 庆功派对(由E.P.I.C.主理)After party hosted by E.P.I.C.
若你无法亲临现场,可以通过直播见证当晚的精彩瞬间!长按提取下方二维码,即可进入南区颁奖盛典直播。直播开始时间:11月7日周一下午4点。For those who can’t make it to the awards ceremony, please join us online! Here is the QR code for the official live streaming which will start at 4pm on Monday, November 7.
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